Saying Goodbye, Adios, Sayonara, Ciao, Auf-wiedersehen, adieu, to The Open Eye Café Milonga

After almost a decade of having Triangle Tango’s Third Friday milonga at the Open Eye Café, it has come time to retire this milonga, or like the tango Lunatico says “Llevarla a los cuaterles de invierno/Take it to the winter quarters”.

Come out and celebrate the many good times and great tandas we had together at this venue. Let’s all be there  for one last tanda while enjoying a nice glass of wine or good cup of coffee in a relaxing atmosphere.

Join Triangle Tango in thanking the Open Eye Café venue and staff for their great service to our tango community all these years!  No introductory class, milonga starts at 8.00PM.
Let’s do it with style!

When: Friday May 15th, 2015
Milonga: 8:00-11:30 PM; DJ Cecil Ho
Host: Suni
Admission to milonga $5
The Open Eye Café is located on 101 S. Greensboro St. Carrboro, NC 27510