Open Eye Cafe Milonga – March 21st

Dear Tanguer@s,


This Friday, let your tango legs take you to Open Eye Cafe located in Carrboro, NC where you can indulge in conversations over a cup of coffee or a glass or two of wine.  While you’re not in conversation, perhaps you can indulge in two and a half hours of dancing with tango tunes spun by our esteemed DJ, Jason Laughlin.  If you have any friends who have expressed interest in learning tango, why not bring them along to the free intro lesson taught by.none other than our esteemed DJ/teacher, Jason Laughlin?  Our hostess, Nancy Acuna, will be welcoming you with her usual warm smile so if you were wondering what to do this coming Friday night, wonder no more.


Date: Friday, March 21st, 2014
Free lesson: 8.00pm – 9.00pm
Milonga: 9:00pm – 11.30pm  Admission: $5.00


Open Eye Cafe is located on 101 S Greensboro St, Carrboro, NC 27510

Tel: (919) 968-9410