Milonga Utopia – Sept. 13th

Tango Utopia is excited to be part of the Oscar Casas Workshops organized by Durham Tango. We will host the Saturday milonga (9/13) that is included in the full and weekend packages. By now you know our unique Tango Utopia style: a bountiful assortment of munchies and refreshments, a sparkling door prize, and our stunning hospitality. Jae will grace the DJ corner with her lovely presence and keep our feet begging for more of her delightful tandas. And of course, we’ll have our special guest Maestro Oscar Casas on the floor. Ladies, be ready to dance! Join us for what is sure to be another memorable night of tango in the Triangle.

Cost: $10 at the door ($8 for Tango Utopia students; FREE with the full and weekend workshop packages)
For more information on the Oscar Casas Workshops, please visit: