Take a chance to improve your confidence, elegance and ease of movement! We will begin with a warm-up built to bring awareness to the whole body then work on tango principles and vocabulary specific to the follower’s role. We will work on axis, posture, walk, dissociation, contact with the partner, ochos, boleos and adornos. Come with comfortable clothes, your sense of humor and your favorite pair of high-heels! Leaders welcome!
Time: 2.30- 5.30 pm
Date:Saturday October 4th
Price:$ 30- 45 (sliding scale)
Location: The Bridge at Rivermill (Saxapahaw): 1647 Saxapahaw-Bethlehem Church Rd, Graham, NC
Info and inscription: infotheembrace@gmail.com
More infos about Murielle: www.intheembrace.com