Take a chance to improve your confidence, elegance and ease ofmovement! We will begin with a warm-up built to bringawareness to the whole body then work on tango principles andvocabulary specific to the follower’s role. We will work on axis,posture, walk, spirales, contact with the partner, ochos, boleosand adornos. Come with comfortable clothes, socks, your senseof humor and your favorite pair of high-heels! Leaders welcome!
- Time: 2.30- 5.30 pm
- Date: Saturday December 13th
- Price: $ 30- 45 (sliding scale, everyone is welcome)
- Location: The Bridge 1647 Saxapahaw-Bethlehem Church Rd, Saxapahaw, NC
- Info and inscription: www.intheembrace.com, infotheembrace@gmail.com
About Murielle:
Murielle is a French dancer, choreographer and teacher. She has worked in
dance and performance since 1995 and with various choreographers and
theater directors throughout Europe and the US. She teaches both amateurs
and professionals in various dance companies, schools and institutions
internationally. Her choreographic work has been presented in France,
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Poland and Germany. Performing
and teaching tango for nearly 10 years, she furthered her education in 2010 in
Buenos Aires. Her tango teachers have included Chicho Frumboli, Sebastian
Arce y Mariana Montes, Bruno Tombari y Mariangeles Camaño, Eugenia
Parilla, Michelle Marsidi and Joachim Dietiker.